Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Twas All In Fun, Till . . .

Today I let Addison color with her markers. She was having a great time coloring on the paper and on her hands. I didn't think much of it, because the markers say WASHABLE.

Then we tried to wash it off her hands. After numerous attempts we still could not get all the marker off her hands.

Here is Addison coloring and having a great time, before I realized that washable doesn't always mean washable.

Here are Addison's hands after numerous attempts to wash them.

Live and Learn

Friday, December 4, 2009

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Today I. . . Made a Turkey.

Today the Albistons came over and we all made turkeys. The turkey's body is made out of Addison's shoes traced on construction paper and then glued together. The feathers are made out of Addison's hands traced on different colors of construction paper.

Leah and Amy also made turkeys. Amy (who is six year old) was able to make hers without any help. She did a great job. Addison and Leah (who are both 2) had to have help.

Here is Addison's turkey:

Friday, November 20, 2009

Potty Training - The Ups & Downs

Addison I would say is 95% potty trained. But it has been a hard road to get to this point. The first few days (Saturday, Sunday & Monday) she just didn't get it. We put her in underwear and she kept using the bathroom on herself. She would get upset, we would clean her up and then a few hours later she would do the same thing all over again.

Finally on Tuesday she got it. She peed on herself once Tuesday morning and then she didn't pee or poop the whole day until right before dinner. I kept asking her and taking her to the bathroom, but she just won't go. Finally right before dinner she peed a little, but she cried while she did it. We just thought she was being fussy. After dinner she kept grabbing herself and we could tell she needed to go to the bathroom, but every time we took her she would not go. She started crying, so we put a diaper back on her and told her it was okay for her to pee in her diaper. She still would not go to the bathroom. We tried all evening to get her to go, but she wouldn't. So we finally put her to bed with a diaper on.

The next morning she woke up at 5:00am screaming and crying. When I got her up I could see that she REALLY needed to use the bathroom, but she wouldn't. She screamed and cried all morning. As soon as the doctor's office opened I called and asked them to please see Addison ASAP. The nurse could hear Addison screaming and crying in the background. She told me to get there as soon as I could and they would get me in to see a doctor asap.

And they did. Right after I checked in and was about to sit down they called us back to see a doctor.

Now here is the heart wrenching part. They told me in order to diagnosis a urinary track infection they had to have a urine sample. I couldn't even get Addison to pee in her diaper and they wanted me to get her to pee in a cup. But SHE DID!

I asked her to please pee into the cup and it took her a little while but she did and she screamed the whole time. I almost started crying. It really hurt her to pee, but she still did it. I was so PROUD of her.

Turns out she had a urinary track infection (which I already knew by that point). They gave her antibiotics and some other instructions for making her feel better.

So all of that happened on Tuesday. From that day on she has used the bathroom in the potty and has only had one accident. It has been a full week. So I think only one accident in a whole week is pretty good for someone who just a week ago wouldn't pee in the potty at all.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Playing Outside


Here are pictures of Addison with some of her friends. Have you ever tried taking good pictures of two moving two year olds? So, some of these pictures are not the best.

Addison & Hadassah

Have you ever tried taking pictures of THREE two year olds? It was even harder to get a good picture with three moving kids.

Addison, David & Hadassah

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Today Addison was outside playing, when she started saying, "ooh, mommy, ooh." She was holding something in her hand. I asked her what she had and she said dirt. When I walked over to look at what was in her hand, I realized it was dog poop. I quickly made her drop it and we went and washed her hands.

Oh the joys of having a two year old and a dog.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

"I be right back"

This morning Addison was talking to Daniel when she said, "I go see mommy, I be right back." Then she ran into the kitchen and started talking to me. Then after a few seconds she said, "I go see daddy, I be right back." She went back and forth a few times and each time she would say, "I be right back." It was so cute.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Birthday Party Pictures

I Draw G

Addison: "I draw G, I draw G." I looked over the side of the tub expecting to see a squiggle mark and this is what I saw.

Pretty close to a G if you ask me.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What I Did Today - Aug. 18, 2009

Today I played with Play-Doh. I cut out different shapes. It was great fun!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Addison's 2 year check-up

Addison had her two year check-up this week. Here are the stats:

  • Height - 35.5 inches (90%), she is going to be tall
  • Weight - 28 lbs 4 oz (75%)

Dr. Willey commented on how advanced Addison's communication skills are. She is talking in almost full sentences, which is very unusual for her age.

Dr. Willey said Addison is very healthy and developing very well.

Addison was given two shots and she didn't even cry, though her mother almost did. Addison thought the "stickers" they put on her arm (band aids) were really cool.

Addison can now have 1% milk, so we no longer have to buy two gallons of milk . . . at least not for another 8 months, then Hunter will be drinking whole milk.

We are very thankful to have two wonderful, healthy children!

Starting Addison's Blog

I decided to start a blog for Addison. It is easier to update a blog, than it is a website and it is easier to upload pictures and videos. So, starting now, you will need to check out this blog to see updates on Addison. As of now, I am not planning on deleting the website "Addison's Page," but I will no longer be adding new content to it.

I hope you enjoy following Addison's blog!