Monday, August 24, 2009

Birthday Party Pictures

I Draw G

Addison: "I draw G, I draw G." I looked over the side of the tub expecting to see a squiggle mark and this is what I saw.

Pretty close to a G if you ask me.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What I Did Today - Aug. 18, 2009

Today I played with Play-Doh. I cut out different shapes. It was great fun!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Addison's 2 year check-up

Addison had her two year check-up this week. Here are the stats:

  • Height - 35.5 inches (90%), she is going to be tall
  • Weight - 28 lbs 4 oz (75%)

Dr. Willey commented on how advanced Addison's communication skills are. She is talking in almost full sentences, which is very unusual for her age.

Dr. Willey said Addison is very healthy and developing very well.

Addison was given two shots and she didn't even cry, though her mother almost did. Addison thought the "stickers" they put on her arm (band aids) were really cool.

Addison can now have 1% milk, so we no longer have to buy two gallons of milk . . . at least not for another 8 months, then Hunter will be drinking whole milk.

We are very thankful to have two wonderful, healthy children!

Starting Addison's Blog

I decided to start a blog for Addison. It is easier to update a blog, than it is a website and it is easier to upload pictures and videos. So, starting now, you will need to check out this blog to see updates on Addison. As of now, I am not planning on deleting the website "Addison's Page," but I will no longer be adding new content to it.

I hope you enjoy following Addison's blog!